Germantown Church of God
Copyright © 2017 by Terry Smith · All Rights reserved · E-Mail:
Members of the church travel to Baltimore each year to serve at one of the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child gift shoebox processing centers
Germantown Believes in Missions Across the Street and Around the World
National and International Missions

The church has made a commitment to financially assist the missionaries and their work. Each month the church highlights the work of a missionary to bring attention their service and needs. Some of the currently supported missionaries are:
Caleb & Christina Acosta - Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Venezuela, Argentina, Nicaragua - Latino Ministry Directors who oversee mission work.
Rod & Mila Ayers - Haiti - They lead several youth teams to serve and work in Haiti.
Dave & Kenda Kapaku - Hawaii - Their focus is on reaching and discipling the native Hawaiian people.
Everett & Mary Teller - Navajo community, Arizona - They are the church’s fourth pastor and the first Navajo to serve the Tsaile Community Church.
John & Toni Thumma - Southwest Ministries - They are preaching and serving both the Hooghan Nizhoni Church while making mission trips to Central America and Navojoland.
Jacob & Haley Day - Southwest Ministries - They serve as the pastor of the Gamerco Church of God on the north side of Gallup, NM. This multi-cultural congregation is financially self-supporting.
Marineau Station - Haiti - Germantown Church of God has supported this church for the past several years as our Sister Church in Haiti.
Steve & Jan Trostle - South Africa - Their primary ministry is in a Christian School where Jan serves as a teacher and Steve is the principal and a teacher.
Bangladesh Medical Ministries
The Churches of God's Cross-Cultural Ministries supports missionaries throughout the country and the world. In 2014, Germantown Church of God was number 11 in per-capita giving (total giving divided by average worship attendance) and number 21 in total designated giving to Cross-Cultural Ministries.
Currently, the Director of Cross-Cultural Ministries is Pastor Ben Tobias who grew up at Germantown Church of God while his father, Pastor Paul Tobias, served as the pastor for many years.

Germantown Church of God is also the home church of Dr. Fidelia Gilbert, a life-long missionary who served at the church's hospital in Bogra, Bangladesh. On October 29, 1938, she sailed for Bogra, India under the Board of Missions of the Churches of God of North America. There she served as a physician missionary as eastern India became East Pakistan in 1947 and later Bangladesh in 1971. In the early years of her practice there, she functioned as a general practitioner, using her bedroom as an office and examining room. At that time, Dr. Gilbert was the only female physician for 200 miles around. In 1941, a mobile clinic was built, permitting weekly clinics to be set up in the villages. In 1955, a maternity hospital and clinic had been built and a children’s ward added by 1969. Dr. Gilbert was born on October 25, 1911 and died on January 23, 2005.
Local Missions
Locally, the Church provides funds and food year-round to the HELP Hotline which supports our community with food, clothing, bedding, dishes, pans, small kitchen appliances and other household items during family emergencies and times of lost income.
Germantown Church of God is a major supporter of the Hagerstown Rescue Mission and it's Hope Center where the church members conduct a Wednesday night service each month and then serve dinner to the residents at the Mission. Each summer the church hosts these residents to a picnic in the church's pavilion followed by Sunday evening service.
Financial assistance is provided to the New Hope Shelter in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.